Subject: So, I random-generated three Tarot cards...
Posted on: 2019-10-12 09:07:58 UTC

I got the Tower, the Ten of Wands and the King of Coins, in that order. So dramatic change, ambition and apparently something business-related. Seems rather vague, although I admit the ambition and dramatic change bits seem rather apt. In terms of personality-based arcana, I suppose that I fit best The Magician, The Devil, The Tower, Ace of Wands, Two of Coins, Five of Wands, Seven of Wands, Seven of Swords, Seven of Cups, Ten of Wands, Knight of Wands and Knight of Swords, going off the TvTropes descriptions.

On an off-topic note, Tomash, the new extended tagging system seems to only be active on the T-Board, but not here (, that is). I'm assuming you're still implementing it? And this probably isn't very important, but I've noticed that the converted timestamps on the imported WebApps posts are one hour later than they should be (checking older posts, I think the issue is that you forgot to account for DST being in effect); is that easily fixable?