Subject: Thanks for the feedback, Doc!
Posted on: 2020-06-01 04:00:50 UTC

I'm very glad that this mission worked as intended, with a relatively obscure canon being sporked here. And I was worried myself about not having given the agents enough to do in this, but frankly, the fic hardly had anything happening in it either aside from the aaaangst. It's great that the character dynamics managed to carry it nonetheless. We'll see how good I manage to write Sumie and Yuko from here on.

Also, pity you didn't get that reference, but I figured not many readers would. :"D Michael Biehn is the apple of my eye, but he's one of the "underrated actor who has been in three and a half actually good things" variety. (He played Kyle in The Terminator and Hicks in Aliens, if you want to place him.) And Blood Dragon is a Far Cry 3... mod? DLC? I don't even know, but it's basically a parody of 80's action hero stuff and sci-fi action games in the vein of Kung Fury. It's got cybersoldiers, awful one-liners, bulging biceps, and lazer dinosaurs. It's not as well-known as the actual Far Cry games, but I love it to bits. ^_^ Mr. Biehn voices the main character.