Subject: The works of Mo Xiang Tong Xiu are getting official English translations!
Posted on: 2021-08-04 22:12:00 UTC

Do you like fantasy? Do you want to read fantasy that isn't set in vaguely Medieval Europe with mostly European characters? Do you want to read non-European fantasy with canon LGBT representation?

Have you seen social media exploding with pictures of pretty Chinese men in long robes and you're wondering what the heck is going on? Well, now three of those books involving pretty Chinese men are getting officially translated into English!

Do you miss Girl-Falls-Into-Middle-earth stories? (I mean, this is the PPC, I guess you don't.) Do you ever think about how funny it would be if someone fell into a Suefic but accidentally made the Sue fall in love with them instead of Legolas or some other hott dude? Then you'll like the Scum Villain's Self Saving System!

Do you think Aragorn should've leaned more heavily into the necromancy stuff with the Paths of the Dead? Then you'll like Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (aka Mo Dao Zu Shi)!

Do you ever wish the Silmarillion had more Vala behaving badly? Then you'll like Heaven's Official Blessing (aka Tian Guan Ci Fu)!

And all of these are getting officially translated and released within the next few years, and they will have translator's notes and cultural information. They will also be completely uncensored, so uh, please read at your own discretion.

In related news, I'm hoping to release my Last Mission for Eledhwen and Christianne this weekend. It will also introduce a DBS agent, and is for Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation. The mission will be using the unofficial English translation as the canon, but it will hopefully be a decent (if not mildly spoilery) introduction to the genre.

Anyway, I'm excited! Please support this official translation if you are interested.