Subject: Twelve Days of New Calmas
Posted on: 2021-12-14 03:28:00 UTC

To mark the holiday season and me being bored because my laptop is currently in for repairs, I’m going to be drawing some pictures of a couple peoples’ agents. It’ll be a mix of holiday stuff and summery stuff, because it’s currently summer in New Caledonia.

For day one, we have Zingenmir’s agents Naergondir and Dawn McKenna taking advantage of Chez Thorondil’s temporary chocolate sale. Gotta get the bonbons before they’re gone-gone! /ba dum tss

I already have a list of scenarios drafted, but I’m always open to deviating or adding in other agents, so please feel free to volunteer yours. Please link me to visual references if you do. Permission is not required to volunteer your victims agents, but I do highly prefer it.

Happy holidays!