Subject: My Immortal-like badfics
Posted on: 2022-04-15 20:34:44 UTC

If any of you have read the Legendary Badfic My Immortal, I have this semi-horrifying news - there's more! Two Harry Potter badfics in the spirit of My Immortal, by those associated with it. Though at least they have decent SPaG.

Specifically, the author's friend and "editor" wrote the five-chapter I'm Not Okay (link to its page on the My Immortal Wiki, with full text), which features a Mary Sue by the name of Eternity Demen'tia Johnson as a 15-year-old first year (!) falling in love with a gothic, OOC Draco Malfoy. (Among other typical Sueish things that I could rant about.) Should make pretty decent mission material, even if it's not super long.

Additionally, the the author of My Immortal and her friend wrote Ghost of You (also on the My Immortal wiki) which had a possessed Hermione (renamed Maya for some reason), with excessive urple description, goths vs. preps nonsense, Luna-bashing, and Hermione’s being a pureblood. Might be mission-worthy.

As far as I can tell, neither has been brought up before, and neither is on any of the Badfic lists. Please correct me if any of that's not accurate.