Subject: Wow, I've never seen this specfic trolling happen before...
Posted on: 2022-06-28 23:22:07 UTC

I actually snagged a copy of the badfic and shoved it into my docs so that I can give it a more thorough reading (and maybe spork it later on the Discord) later, even if it's deleted.

If we were allowed to mission this (which I highly doubt, since it's effectively a troll and on our wiki), we could phrase it as a breach into the console's history or a highjacked Intel report, leading to a pysedo-badfic where it's clear the world isn't really and not meant to support badfic, but this badfic somehow exists... actually, no, wait, that's an idea on its own write on hand for later.

Either way, I'm pretty sure we should leave this particular "fic" alone. It's wiki trolling probably. I say delete it, do not mission it (although reading it or sporking it on the Discord should be okay). Maybe take my idea and make it into something with a badfic you wrote yourself for that purpose.


(Edited to be less snarky.)

(Edited to be less snarky again. I realized that the old title could read as author bashing, so I fixed that.)