Subject: Quite a badfic!
Posted on: 2022-09-28 12:20:11 UTC

Here is Harry Potter becomes a Communist. It is insane.

Aside from the obvious premise (Harry is communist), it’s executed horribly. Harry doesn’t seem to understand communism at all, he just YELLS BUZZWORDS IN ALL CAPS. Everyone has political ideologies—Hagrid is a monarchist, there’s a consumerist Professor Pepsi. There’s also some really squicky stuff where Harry talks about how (girl)’s (body part) is really attractive, but he’s too busy with (communist buzzword) to notice! Yeah, and everybody strips a lot, the f-word is thrown around, (seriously, there’s a LOT of profanity) and...nothing is plausible at all. Oh, and it’s 190 chapters long.

On the plus side, Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way shows up in Chapter 117. She’s probably the most in-character character in the entire fic.

Almost positive this is a troll, but what a troll it is! (Did I mention that only the author’s notes are misspelled? Because the are. “Workers of the world urinate”, to give an example.)

TvTropes page here.
