Subject: Re: ch. 6 (divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived)
Posted on: 2023-04-24 15:26:32 UTC

I love Draco's progress! His willingness to change is so nice to see, and it looks like he's inadvertently helped Cedric along, as well! I wonder how many Hogwarts students will get dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century by the end of year seven . . .

The Order dinner was nice to read. Forcing the Pureblood-minded students into engaging with Muggle culture without letting them get angry over it . . . It's exactly what I was hoping to see! And it's nice seeing Liu even more chill than usual, without any PPC agents causing shenanigans for him to react to. I can understand why Dumbledore and the school board were able to agree on Professor Liu!

Man, Prince has so many of the clues about Scabbers right there in her mind, she just doesn't realize there's a mystery to apply those facts to . . .

—doctorlit hadn't heard of Sue Li before today

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