Subject: Looking for the humor in it, mainly.
Posted on: 2024-04-01 20:22:13 UTC

Especially if I'm reading to see if it would be good for a mission. I look at the typos, dodgy logic, and questionable word choices, and I think to myself, "What would this really look like if taken as written? What do these words in this order actually say?" My mission "Ring Child" has a lot of good examples of this (especially since I had help from Tungsten Monk, who is naturally funny).

But some fics are so ridiculous you don't have to try very hard, too. "Kitty Fever" was one of those. "Blood Raining Night," too, except when it veers into "so bad it's horrible."

If the fic's mistakes don't tickle your funnybone at all, chances are it won't make for a good mission.


(Edit: link fix.)

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