Subject: re: chapter 17
Posted on: 2024-04-03 12:36:08 UTC

I don’t entirely follow the conversation with the [two] {voices}. I think you’re implying they’re a pair of characters who were planned to appear in canon, but got edited out before airing? It explains why they would be free of Naomi’s influence, since they’re intangible, and how they were able to observe the PPC agents. I like that they were able to tug on Naomi’s sense of morality enough to get her to let go of her control, but it seems she only did so on the assumption that she would still get what she wants. Once she realized her demanded romance would have to be worked for, she couldn’t resist taking control again . . . as the {one voice} said, giving up control is hard! I think, in the long run, she’s going to have to accept that leaving Ned, and the Simpsons universe, are the only way to truly give up her bad behavior. But I’m curious to see whether she’ll be able to do so on her own . . .

I like that canon didn't "snap back" upon Naomi turning off the "machinery," since it wasn't actually off/gone for good, which caused Ned to remember everything that had happened. It makes for another consequence for Naomi to confront!

—doctorlit could do with a few more strings in his life . . .

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