Subject: The sun goes dark (or did).
Posted on: 2024-04-09 08:58:34 UTC

Back in 1999, the UK almost entirely missed its last total eclipse due to heavy cloud cover. I was outside the area of totality, but close enough for an extreme partial with decent weather. It was surreal. All the seagulls came down to roost. I hope to see a similar partial in 2026; a total UK eclipse won't come again until 2090.

The sun goes dark. Photos of the event show cracks of light running through the surface of the moon. They are dismissed as artefacts of the cameras.

The sun goes dark. The old gods are dead. The priests scramble to name the new gods who will rise in their place.

The sun goes dark. We were promised it was over, but the sun goes dark and we hear the whispers again.

The sun goes dark. Everyone on Earth finally gets a good night's sleep.


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