Subject: Tribble!
Posted on: 2013-01-14 00:23:00 UTC

You gave me a tribble! *happy dance* Tribble, tribble, tribble! I love tribbles! You have given me a tribble! We will forever be friends :D (it may or may not be 2 am where I am. That may or may not be contributing to my silliness) In other words, thank you very, very much for the tribble! I do hope I don't have to be too careful about what I feed it...? I don't want to find myself overrun...

(Question: what happens if a tribble eats Bleeprin? Also, what am I going to name the tribble? I have a ball of fluff! It's so cute! It even purrs...)

Somewhat more's always fun to share fandoms. And a love of chocolate, of course. Also: you're writing OFAS, which I just found out about and read today (from the message board), and absolutely love! I think you're doing a great job with it. It's entertaining and quite amusing to read, and I'm now looking forward to more of it.

As for ST series...I'm most familiar with AOS and TOS, as well as the earlier movies (I think I've seen four of them so far? Something like that. As for TOS, I'm just finishing season 3, but I'm very much in the fandom). After that, I'm most familiar with TNG, but I've only seen a handful of episodes, and out of order, at that. When I started out watching, I decided I wanted to watch in order, though I cheated a little with TNG, because I was curious (and there are Moriarty episodes, which are amazing). About Voyager, DS9, and Enterprise, I just know whatever I've picked up from fanfic and conversations, though they sound intriguing. TOS and AOS would have to be my favorites, although I'm starting to grow rather fond of the TNG characters, it's possible that I just like all ST series, and just don't know them all yet :) I'm in favor of everything Star Trek, though. Especially tribbles :) And now, of course, I want to rewatch the TNG episode where they go back in time to the "Trouble With Tribbles" episode...mainly because I remember it being amusing and don't remember why they had to go back, not to mention that I want another look at how they pulled it off...

Anyway. I shall go and eat chocolate and cuddle with my tribble and sleep, and in my sleep I shall dream of crossovers.

Bonne nuit (/soir/matin/euh...afternoon), mon nouvelle amie (I'm assuming you're female, since you're not harry of vulcan? If not, my apologies for the mistake),

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