Subject: In, maybe, sorta!
Posted on: 2015-08-27 17:18:00 UTC

I'm no good at big, chaotic RPs, and truthfully, I'm a little leery of letting anyone pilot my characters' bodies. ^_^; That said, I could maybe work something out with some folks ahead of time and be okay with it?

I'm gonna keep Nume back (Phobos and I have some ideas for him), but I'll offer up Ilraen, Derik, Gall, Jenni, and Henry, if anyone is interested in them specifically.

You can put my other FicPsych nurses in the randomizing spreadsheet. If anybody actually wants to play as them, too, that could maybe be a thing. (Oh good lord, what happens in FicPsych when it's suddenly staffed by a bunch of random agents? {X D )


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