Subject: Something vaguely resembling concrit
Posted on: 2017-03-06 17:34:00 UTC

This was a pretty good story overall (well, "good" in the sense that it's completely off-the-wall crack that has no business being posted outside of this thread).

The [insert _ here] were pretty funny, and I liked the references to the other shipfics.

Now, SPaG stuff, because this is still the PPC Shipfest.

- The quote mark at the start made me think someone was reading the narration. Then, when there were quote marks around the dialogue, I was confused (because the quotes were unbalanced), and it took me a while to decide that the first quote mark in the story was some sort of typo. Then, I got to the end and noticed the stray quote mark there, which finally clued me in to the fact that you'd put the entire story in quotes.

You didn't need to do that. Furthermore, if you are quoting the whole story, using the same set of punctuation to quote the text and to mark dialogue can be confusing.

- Explicit title-card type scene transitions ("10 minutes later") are generally considered bad style. It's best to incorporate them into the narration if you can.

- In the first paragraph, is a colon the right punctuation after "now"? I think, as it stands, you wanted a semicolon, but you might want to check me on that.

- To do italics on the Board, type <i>insert words here</i> to produce insert words here.

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