Subject: Well, Life and Death is a thing.
Posted on: 2018-04-09 14:56:00 UTC

If we can get genderbent!Twilight, I'm sure we can get both versions of slashy!Twilight. I'm picturing this one as Bella unable to decide between Leah the grumpy werewolf (who, per the wiki, is Speshul as the only girlwolf EVAH) and Alice the... frankly bonkers vampire.



... okay, be honest with me; does that not sound better than the original story? Leah and Alice are both classic movie romantic interest archetypes dialled up to 11 (Alice in particular is the Manicker Pixie Dream Girl); I think any scene in the series could be improved by cut-and-pasting them into their male counterparts' places.

(Improved so far as comedy value goes, anyway.)

As for maleslash!Twilight (Gaylight?)... we could just crib Beau from the other book, or make Bella trans, but maybe it'd be more fun to pick on someone else entirely? Hmm... I'unno, is there anyone hapless enough to be substituted for Bella in there? Maybe we do need to abduct Beau...

(Steph would be turning in her grave at this conversation, were she dead, which I'm pretty sure she's not.)


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