Subject: Prompt Wonderings
Posted on: 2018-01-24 08:14:00 UTC

So I know I've been trying to put up a writing prompt every other Thursday for a few weeks now (tomorrow will be the third one from me), and I am aware that a) the last prompt I gave was really not good (Sorry) and b) probably as a consequence not many people responded to it. But I was thinking about things for the future.

A) Do people still want a prompt going up every other week? If not is that because you want a shorter/longer gap between them, or do you not want it at all?

B) Who do you want posting the prompt? I don't mind if you'd prefer someone else posting it, honest.

C) What sort of prompt do you want? Do you want the person doing it to make it up? Do you want it from some website's prompt of the day? Where do you want the prompt coming from?


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