Subject: The sun goes dark.
Posted on: 2017-08-23 11:32:00 UTC

The sun goes dark... then lights up again, before it happens again, always for a short time, but several time in one interval of time. The joy of living in a setting where heroes' summoning darken the sky.

The sun goes dark. I mean, litteraly black, and turns people into stone. The only way to avoid this fate? Take some formula to turn into demons eating each other. (a black-hole cake for the one guessing the game)

The sun goes dark. The generic guy from te future sighs in relief. Right before being burned. 'Of course we knew there was an eclipse today. It makes for more dramatic executions.'

The sun goes dark. Nobody on Tatooine really cares that much.

The sun goes dark. Demons are far calmer now. the it switches again, and they go mad. Really irritating when the final boss uses it for attacks. (another cake here).

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