Subject: The Calculating Stars is an excellent book.
Posted on: 2019-04-03 09:05:00 UTC

I got it for Christmas and read it in a couple of days. For a book that starts with a meteor strike taking out Washington DC and most of the Eastern Seaboard, and deals intimately with all manner of prejudice (it is the 1950s, after all), it's surprisingly... wholesome, is the best word I can come up with. It would be very easy for that premise to go all DARKNESS -- NO PARENTS, but Kowal resists the temptation. That doesn't mean she doesn't do justice to the fact that '50s America was super prejudiced in so many ways - but she does it in a way that doesn't make me hate every single character in there.

I think part of the reason is that she doesn't take the route of 'it's Institutional, so we can't change it', but rather treats institutional prejudice as something that can be changed, and by individuals. Yes, it takes work - a lot of work, a lot of pain - but it can be done.


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