Subject: Yeah, no, I know.
Posted on: 2018-08-14 08:58:00 UTC

But I don't think it is the Moomins, is what I was trying unsuccessfully to say. That cover is absolutely ringing a very strong bell, but I don't know what it is.

I want to say Vikings, but that brings me back to Noggin the Nog, and the art style is actually quite different. The cover for Rosemary Sutcliff's 'Dawn Wind' is faintly similar, but again, I can't see why I'd go 'that shield! Those mountains! That dragon!' at it.

The inside illustrations don't have the same effect at all; it's very specifically the cover. (Though I am quite baffled by the one of Bilbo summoning the storm... did I miss that along with the naked dwarves??)


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