Subject: Being a semi-fic blip character
Posted on: 2015-09-17 12:07:00 UTC

...meant that some of Hild's memories were confused and contradictory. Her author had never fixed the details by writing them down.

Right now Hild couldn't shake the feeling that, in one possible version of her past, she might have seen this blonde elf or someone who looked very like her. Possibly at Isengard? But what would an elf be doing there? It didn't make sense.

On the other hand, the fact that they had found a real aromatherapist didn't make sense either.

Curious, Hild listened as the aromatherapist explained that she was bodyswapped too. So, there wasn't any point asking her if they could've met before. More importantly, it also meant there wasn't an aromatheraputic (was that even a word?) way of getting back in their own bodies. So why had this Kayleigh been so keen on everyone finding her?

Wanting to find out more, but unable to think of any better way of opening the conversation, Hild asked: "Uh, do you have anything that would help a very stressed Hydra body to relax?"

((BTW I'm assuming Hild can't use a Reality Room or something like that to stabilise her past, as Agent Derik did, because removing the inconsistencies would also mean removing the plothole she fell through into HQ. She would die in her origin fic and never have joined the PPC.))

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