Subject: Newb introduction and fic claim query
Posted on: 2008-09-30 06:25:00 UTC

Hey there, newb here. It's been a long time since I've been interested in badfic (especially ever since the fabulous FicBitches fell into inactivity) so imagine my delight that there was a yet active badfic sporking community.

I came across PPC not long ago when, on a whim, a friend of mine Googled a gem of amalgamated bad!yaoific we'd written once upon a time called "Immortality in Fickle Affection," which was listed among the unclaimed badfic on the PPC wiki. Intrigued, I decided to see what the PPC's modus operandi involved, and liked what I saw.

Anyway, the long and short of it is that I'm interested in claiming "Immortality in Fickle Affection" for myself, as it looks like no one's taken up that cause yet (*sadface*). Being one of the writers on the original fic though, I see where this could just lead to a conflict of interests--and far be it from me to harsh anyone's buzz if someone else had their sights on this one. If not, sweet.

Thing is, I don't really know that this fic is capable of (or meant for) fixing in the usual PPC style when the very body of the text is grounded firmly in the "hey, it would be kind of awesome and ...ed up if this happened next!" school of thought. A mess of genital mutilation and yaoific conventions from start to finish.

So I was thinking, what if by way of "fixing" this fic, I went in and provided direct context for every line/event/bit of characterization seen in it? The writing process of "Immortality in Fickle Affection" was passing it between Tekki and myself to try and get the other to laugh, and those lulz were generally based on exaggerated observations of the characterization and badfic tropes of 4+ years ago. Of course, this would also be explaining the jokes, and that always makes things less funny. (Of course, when the decision was made to upload it to the internet, my assumption was that the sheer ridiculousness of the text would speak for itself, but it appeared--with exceptions--not to be the case.) Thoughts? I could, instead, attempt a more by-the-book PPC fixing solution, but something tells me that it would involve a complete renovation that would render it unrecognizable.

Or if you'd just rather I not touch it and leave someone else to make with the funny on "Immortality", I can do that too. I defer to the hivemind.

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