Subject: I've... looked into one of them.
Posted on: 2019-09-08 22:30:00 UTC

I can't really say anything for any of the others, but looking up "The Hamster Fic" seems to lead to "The Hat Fic", which is a Real Person 'fic involving two Youtubers and some really disturbed stuff (NSFW, NSFST probably NSF4M and definitely NSFB). Thankfully I didn't have to read it as there was an Urban Dictionary article on it. Having read the Urban Dictionary article, I've promptly decided to not venture onto Quotev or Wattpad (which seem to be the only places currently hosting the 'fic).

"The Hat Fic" seems to be relatively well known, at least well enough to have at least 3 pages of Google worth of stuff about it if you type it in, although most of that seems to be from the "Phandom" which as far as I can tell are the people who like these two Youtubers stuff and possibly ship them as well. The 'fic seems to be from around 2015, or at least that's what the search results are saying.

P.S just after I wrote this (but before I posted) I decided to do a Search result for "The Cherry Fic" just out of curiousity (idiot me) as it came up as something related to "The Hat Fic". It's another fic involving the same two Youtubers being shipped together (at least). That's where I stopped looking as I assumed everything else would probably be along very similar lines (although I did see in the search results something saying "The Hat Fic" was definitely the worse of all of them. And also never to read it...

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