Subject: Minh, for the love of all that is holy...
Posted on: 2019-08-31 15:35:00 UTC

Sorry for the Capslock O'Rage, but we are getting so b***y tired of you not being able to let go of your hatred for this show.
And guess what - one or two badly written female characters in genre fiction doesn't mean that all female characters nowadays are written badly, and one or two well-written female characters from the past don't mean that they should be the golden standard. I love Ripley, and Sarah Connor is the (fictional) love of my life, but God help genre fiction from having characters only like these two (or three, I don't know the third lady). Take a look at all the movies, TV series, books, video games etc. that keep coming out with amazingly written female characters and reconsider your stance on "strong female characters" (itself a very flawed concept).
And please. I'm begging you on my knees with tears in my eyes. I'll offer you my firstborn if you want to, just SHUT UP ABOUT DISCOVERY.

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