Subject: The Hugo awards (among other things, AO3 won)
Posted on: 2019-08-19 05:18:00 UTC

So, we now know know the Hugo winners.

One thing that's interesting to us is that AO3 won the award for "Best Related Work". Near as I can tell, this category is for stuff that isn't directly sci-fi (or related to publishing or the fandom), but does have something to do with it.

My understanding is that AO3 got nominated both for being a pretty important fandom space, and for having a really impressive tagging system (I think we can honestly say it's easier to search AO3 than Tumblr, let arone something like Facebook or FFnet).

I think it's pretty cool that the AO3 got this award, and it looks to me like they deserved it.

As to the other winners, I'm only familiar with some of them.

It looks like I might want to read Calculating Stars, between the award win and hS's enthusiastic plug for said wholesome disaster novel.

"A Witch's Guide to Escape was a quite good story that will probably stir up your emotions (thanks to Delta for making me aware of it).

The Wayfarers series is something I'd suggest to people - it's got some good messages about (found) family, personhood, what it means to preserve a culture, and things like thah while also being set in a fun universe with interesting aliens and cultural dynamics.

I don't think I need to say anything much about Into the Spider-Verse other than "I can see why they'd win".

So ... discuss? I skipped over a bunch of categories because I had never heard of the winner, and if anyone has, I'd appreciate knowing about it. This is also a perfectly good thread for "X deserved it instead" and the like.

- Tomash

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