Subject: I actually have no idea...
Posted on: 2019-08-16 11:20:00 UTC

... what it could be used for; the image stopped me before I reached that far. But yes, it looks like they're viewing it as a graphene relative, with all the speculative properties that go with that.

Not that it's necessarily a good idea to stick an Elder God into your PC... the really cool stuff is definitely the experimental side of this:

1/ The molecule is made up of a whole bunch of carbon-carbon triple bonds. You don't often see a triple bond, because they're under intense strain just to exist; in this case, they've not only made them, they've bent them. It's the molecular equivalent of bending steel bars with your bare hands.

2/ They didn't do this by bulk chemistry, but by manufacturing a single molecule, one step at a time. That isn't even chemistry any more - it's nano-scale engineering, LEGO made of atoms.

3/ And then they took pictures! It's only a few years since we first got AFM pictures detailed enough to show single atoms, and they still fill me with appropriately-unholy glee. (Given the diabolical red and purple colour scheme IBM used on their 'Hellgate' image, I'm pretty sure they agree.)


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