Subject: Re: interlude
Posted on: 2019-08-20 16:18:00 UTC

I'm glad your introduction to written mind melds went over well! I had a lot of fun working out how the Stu's power would manifest and how T'Zar could reverse the effects. The bits you've categorized as more abstract are the bits most directly inspired by Star Trek fanfiction (at least, Star Trek fanfiction that was available close to ten years ago. I haven't been reading as much of it lately).

I adore flashbacks, which is...actually, this interlude exists because I wanted to explore their history via sharing memories, from what I remember. It seemed like a fun, effective way to touch on different times and scenarios.

However (and you're the second person I've tripped up with this!) the scene in question isn't actually from "What'll I Do"! "What'll I Do" takes place in 2017; this scene is in 2014, before Dawn and Des even met. I will eventually be expanding on that scene from 2014, but until then...spoilers :)

Abaddon isn't so much crushing on T'Zar as going 'eek, unexpectedly romantic positioning, whyyy! Run away!' Conversely, I highly doubt T'Zar would ever return such feelings for him even if they existed on his part to begin with. I'll go see at some point if there's a way to make that a touch clearer, but that's the intention, anyway.

Re: the title...unfortunately, I chose it a year or more ago, so I've lost track of some of my reasoning, but yes, I think I chose it for both the mental dance and just the general intertwining of T'Zar and Abaddon's lives by this point. It's a mental dance and a physical dance, and they've learned to work together as partners and friends quite neatly despite not being hugely similar people or taking identical steps. They've learned how to move easily and effectively together like dance partners.

Something like that :)

Thanks for reading, and thanks for the thorough review! :)


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