Subject: I Exist.
Posted on: 2019-08-06 11:23:00 UTC

Ok, so... uh...

I would like to introduce myself. I am just another humble internet denizen. I frequent DeviantArt, Discord, and YouTube, where you may (or may not) find traces of my presence.

...Why am I using all these fancy words!?

Ok, ok. I have been, until recently, an admirer from afar. However, I am, at best, an amateur. I want to learn, and that is why I'm here. I think this is a good way to learn better ways on how to write.

I am interested in writing fanfic. Specifically, humorous fanfics about humus. Nah, just kidding! I do have ideas about fanfics where characters play tabletop games/video games.

I like creating. Menacing monsters, deadly diseases, perilous places... I have a little document on notes where I keep snippets of dialogue, descriptions of ideas, strange combinations of words, and outrageous misspellings that I plan to use as names.

Erm... am I dragging this out for too long? I feel kinda awkward as I don't quite know how to talk to people I've never met, let alone introduce myself without seeming self-centred.

Anyways that's me goodbye!

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