Subject: My two cents
Posted on: 2019-07-30 16:35:00 UTC

Minh, I don't think anyone on the Board is against someone criticising something they love.
What Scape, Nesh, Delta, me and probably other people at this point DO have a problem with is your style of criticism, which is often very aggressive and insult-laden. And we've been through this discussion SO many times, Minh - it does feel good to rant about something you hate, I'm sure we've all done it, but we here at the PPC consider it very poor form to just straight up badmouth everything you don't like. I'm sure you would have been able to voice your opinions about Jodie Whittaker without insulting her appearance, or about the writing of Doctor Who without calling people "toxic" and "Tumblrites". I don't care about the show one way or another, and even I find your remarks a wee bit too much, pal.
As for your frequent comments about politics creeping into entertainment - dude, entertainment and politics have always been intertwined. Just think about all the lantern-jawed American action heroes facing off against evil Russians in 80s movies (to bring up something I myself enjoy - and yes, I do enjoy cheesy 80s movies while still recognizing their huge flaws); or about Star Trek The Original Series' incredibly morale-heavy storylines.
In my experience, usually when people complain about politics creeping into entertainment, it is because they don't agree with the message.

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