Subject: More like "be prepared to let it go entirely."
Posted on: 2019-07-15 14:33:00 UTC

Or at least to re-imagine the scenario with less specific requirements.

If what you want is a situation where "badfic" + "logic" = "boom," there are any number of ways that could happen without introducing super-specific chemistry into a fantasy world, and with the premise loose enough, you might even find something that works to set it up in the wild. Just don't force it.

Or, if what you really want is "super-specific chemistry goes boom," the PPC has a science department and people who are happy to tinker with dangerous substances at the expense of their eyebrows. If you can think of a reason why someone in HQ would be doing this specific thing, having it be something that happened in HQ is another option. But, again, there's no reason to force this into existence. "Chemistry goes boom" works as a premise without necessarily getting into the exact formula.

OTOH, I can see someone in HQ taking a chemistry joke and trying to make it work, with hilarious consequences. Anyone know any good chemistry jokes?


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