Subject: I love hive minds!
Posted on: 2019-06-27 20:27:00 UTC

To add my two cents, I think Gestalts are somewhat distinct. Gestalts almost never assimilate, and they don't often breed new bodies, either. They only add new ones if some of the old ones die. They're very high on the composite side- either they have a few individuals, each of which is responsible for a certain task, or they have task groups responsible for different things. And they can be quite affected by their component parts.
They're one of my favorites mainly because I think the whole assimilation thing can make a hive-mind rather one-note. They're gonna getcha, and you'll either have to kill them or convince them to leave, and then they're kinda out of the picture. But a gestalt is capable of chilling out with other characters.
But then again, sometimes it's a great deal of fun to run from or try to negotiate with the spooky hive mind.
Most gestalts I've seen either treat the parts of the gestalt as lobes of the brain, which are slightly more vulnerable to damage, or as something like moods.
One of my favorite gestalts is Gavotte from Skin Horse, a webcomic I enjoy quite a bit. It also has plenty of other sorts of hive mind.
I also built a gestalt myself, though I've not written anything for them, with the gestalt "portions" acting almost like different moods. They kind of have the problem of being too human.
I guess that's the tension in a lot of sci-fi, that it's hard to interact with things that are meaningfully different from humans.
But speaking of fantasy- anyone know of any fantasy hive minds? I guess there are mind flayers from D&D...

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