Subject: Re: Story concept...
Posted on: 2019-06-19 04:15:00 UTC

I also think it might be a bit difficult to read, but part of that is that I'm not on much of a grimdark mood lately.
My big questions are of the Nazi strategy- what do they do now that they're in charge, and how do they cover it up? For example, the Nazis are mainly known for genocide/massive human rights violations, but that sort of thing is hard to do without breaking cover.
And if you talk about how a government could do all that evil stuff secretly, it'd be easy to either get too real or risk sounding like a tinfoil hat. However, I think if you were willing to take more of a turn into politics, it could work out really well, though it would take a lot of work.
This sort of idea could give you a window into exploring the more universally condemned forms of human evil by using Nazis as a sort of framing device. However, I don't know how you'd wrap that sort of story up satisfyingly.
Another big question- who are the big baddies? Would any of the Nazis from that time still be in the condition to rule? Otherwise, would it be weird to have unknowns representing the Nazis?
I hope I wasn't too rambly. Quite a cool idea!

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