Subject: I just caught up on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Spoilers)
Posted on: 2019-11-18 01:06:20 UTC

The six seasons they have on Netflix, anyway.

It's been a while since I watched the first three, but I've enjoyed the heck out of 4, 5, and 6. Everything is better with wacky adventures through time and space, right? Right! I really could have done with lots more Search for Spock Fitz. Both halves of that arc were so much fun. Enoch is the best, and everything that happened around the space casino was just the right balance of serious drama and silly hijinks. I would like more of S.H.I.E.L.D. bumbling around the galaxy and running into trouble with alien cultures who are simply going about their business (for better or worse), please. I would also like a crossover involving the Guardians of the Galaxy, but I know that's not in the budget. Sigh.

Also, everything involving FitzSimmons is perfect. I don't have especially strong feelings about the rest of the cast, but FitzSimmons are just the best. Their love has survived six seasons of a show created by Joss Whedon! This is unheard of! They are my heroes, and also a big gooey cinnamon roll. Well, mostly. What do you call a cinnamon roll if it's fluffy and adorable, but it also gets pretty dark sometimes? (What do you call it when your cinnamon roll couple's dark alter egos were trying to kill them in a mindscape they were trapped in, but ended up sloppily making out with each other instead? Because that was brilliant. A little worrying, but brilliant.)

I like Deke, too. He's annoying, but also fun. I want Deke Shaw to meet Deke Sun-Crichton and have madcap space adventures. Possibly also with the Guardians of the Galaxy. ^_^

Madcap space crossover adventures!!


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