Subject: Neshomeh is writing in third-person and present-tense.
Posted on: 2019-12-18 04:08:55 UTC

She hopes this will aid her in conducting some field research on the horrible goose. She plans to write a story about it, but has never played the goose game, and finds this to be something of an impediment. She wonders if watching that Game Theory video about the intelligence of the goose is really enough to go on. This goose seems smarter than the average goose, but can it, say, open doors, supposing they have a handle instead of a knob? This is important.

Neshomeh climbs up into the little-remembered rafters above the PPC Lounge with her laptop. She opens up a Notepad file and waits, hoping to make some quality observations before her battery runs out.

(( {= D ))

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