Subject: Yay!
Posted on: 2019-12-19 03:16:02 UTC

I believe you. ^_^ I don't recall if any particular bit is based directly on any particular comment of yours, but I've definitely gotten the sense that the kids you watch are the sort of kid Henry is. It's affirming to hear, now and before!

(The part based directly on my niece is the part where Henry gets caught exaggerating his knowledge and tries to wriggle out of it by going "I don't want to tell you." Last year, she was "reading" Harry Potter by herself, and my attempts to have a conversation about what had happened in the latest chapter and what she liked about it went precisely nowhere. {X D Bonus of taking forever to finish this piece!)

I'm loving the mixed reactions to Nume.

I might write the story of Lux and Jenni meeting eventually, since I've now thought about it and figured out how it happened. We'll see. ^_^



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