Subject: Late, but yeah, I'm up for nominations.
Posted on: 2019-12-26 23:39:02 UTC

I haven't responded to this thread at all because I was unsure as to what to say - I wasn't sure if I wanted to be a mod, if this was something I'd be up for, and I've certainly taken my time in getting back to this, just lurking and reading all the responses. I've come to the conclusion that yes, I'd be able to do the job, and I certainly am not shrinking away at the prospect. I've done a lot of moderation on other servers, Discord, TF2, Minecraft, etc, and I'm not unfamiliar, and I think I've held a pretty level head when it comes to serious discussions on the server. I try and be active, always read the backlogs, and I think I have a decent standing with most people. Either way, whether or not I'm a mod at the end of the day, I'm still myself, and still do what I can to help. (But I think there's better fits for this job than myself. :P)

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