Subject: Do you have any thoughts on the Treverrow version?
Posted on: 2020-01-15 19:38:29 UTC

Apparently someone has leaked (the first draft of) Colin Treverrow's script for Episode IX, the one he wrote before he was booted and replaced with J.J. Abrams Part 2. There's a video going into it in some detail, but Forbes and AV Club between them cover most of it. Reddit also has a blow-by-blow recounting of the video.

I guess the following is spoilers for the film that didn't happen? Is that a thing?

My feeling, from what I've seen, is that "Duel of the Fates" (not keen on the title to be honest) is much more of a sequel to The Last Jedi than Rise of Skywalker was. It seems to pick up and run with ideas that the actual film abandoned, and 'Kylo killed Rey's parents' is a clever inversion of the old story that the script for Empire had the Big Reveal down as 'Obi-Wan killed your father' to hide the I Am Your Father moment even from the cast.

I also get the impression that 'Duel' has a tighter plot than 'Rise', but that might come down to directing and editing rather than the script. Objectively, 'Rise' is a straightforward fetch quest with occasional diversions, so 'Duel' could well have had the same feeling.

The one thing 'Duel' does definitely worse is killing Kylo Ren as a villain. He was too complex in The Last Jedi to end it with 'actually it was all a lie I killed your parents hahaha I'm so evil'. I also think that 'Lovecraftian Sith monster' sounds cooler than it would actually be - in reality that would just be 'tentacles everywhere', and CGI tentacles get old quickly.

I also don't think that taking the story to Mortis, the weird 'ethereal realm within the Force' (per Wookieepedia), would have been a great move - it's simultaneously too Midichlorian (explaining the mystery of the Force) and too magical (it's inhabited by incarnations of the Force, that's too weird).

Ultimately, both scripts have their pluses and minuses; I think the film we got could have been better, but I also think the Trevorrow script could have been better, so.

What I would really like would be for them to revive the Star Wars: Infinities label, which produced AU comics for each of the original films, and repeat the concept of the The Star Wars comic, which adapted George Lucas' first draft of the very first film. A comic of the Treverrow script would be cool - as would comics of any other wildly different scripts out there, like if there's an early Phantom Menace or Force Awakens draft, or if Lucas actually wrote down his sequel ideas at any point! Multiple timelines are fun, and a comic would have an easier time with 'Lovecraftian' than a movie.


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