Subject: A List of the mistakes in this episode (spoilers)
Posted on: 2020-01-27 23:31:17 UTC

  • Television does not exist in Star Trek. Remember the season one finale of TNG, "The Neutral Zone"? Remember how Data says that " I believe he means television, sir. That particular form of entertainment did not last much beyond the year two thousand forty."? Yeah...way to go, Kurtzman. Way to go.

  • Seriously? A single positron can be used to clone an entire computer brain? The writers do know that a positron is a antielectron, and that Data's brain is not made of the things, right? I don't care what your technobabble is, you cannot make a brain out of antimatter.

  • So, Dahj has a robo-brain, but she has an organic body, right? How in the name of Roddenberry does that equate to her jumping 50 feet into the air?

  • "My Daughter" my ass. That's Lal who's Data's daughter. Or did the writers completely forget about S3E16 "The Offspring"?

  • Romulans are apparently xenomorphs now, and can spit acid. What the fu-

  • I love how the scene where we're introduced to Dahj has her and her boyfriend talking in a very 21st century way. It's almost like this isn't the 25th century at all. It's almost like they've forgotten how people talk in every other TNG-era show.

  • So, these Romulans who try to kidnap Dahj apparently forgot all about transporting her away, stun settings on Phasers, or (y'know) anything that wouldn't result in her "activating" and killing them all. Did the entire species get hit with the stupid hammer, or do the writers just not know Star Trek very well?

  • You'd think that Picard would at least want to know a rando's name when she shows up at his house babbling about how she feels safe with him. He could be face-to-face with a crazed drug fiend, or some wierdo fangirl. But no. He just gives her tea, and lets her sleep over at his place. Without even asking her name.

  • The hell? They destroyed Utopia Planatia? Like, the primary shipyard for the entire Federation? This somehow doesn't result in aggression from any of the Federation's enemies? Also, they do know that the majority of the facilities are on the surface of mars, right? It's just the easily replaceable drydocks that are in orbit.

  • So, because Starfleet mishandles a single rescue, Picard goes emo and quits Starfleet. snerk...OOC much?

  • Romulus has a population of 8 billion. But apparently there's only millions of Romulans living there at the time of the supernova. How the hell do billions of people just disappear from reality?

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