Subject: Now that's a pretty general problem.
Posted on: 2020-02-26 16:19:32 UTC

One of our players had definite difficulty reading out their parts, though I don't know them well enough to say whether that's any more than just not having a dramatic bent. I think that's why the tape did so much recapping of what was, or rather should have been said - if someone fails to get their information in, it can make the whole mystery impossible to solve.

Of course, it affects homebrewed murder mysteries too, but if you know about the issue, you can work to address it. I gave my young children much simpler text to work with, and sat down with both of them beforehand to talk through it (the advantage of having a mod!). You can also make sure any evidence or clues they have are pictoral rather than written, and look into ways to make the necessary text easier to read (my vague memory is that serif fonts are easier if you have dyslexia, unless it was sans-serif? One or the other, at least). All of which is impossible if you're working from a booklet in a box.


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