Subject: I hate that question.
Posted on: 2020-02-29 04:34:15 UTC

I can answer "What's your favorite TV show?" definitively (y'all know the answer to that by now), but anything else? Not so much.

I tell people my favorite book is The Lord of the Rings because people have heard of it and I can easily explain why I love it so much. I really do! It has an enormously special place in my heart, and nothing will ever change that.

But, for that reason, I didn't engage with it as a fan in the same way I have with other works. LotR was (and to a large degree still is) sort of sacred to me, such that I never dared to profane it with anything more permanent than a Neopets RP, certainly not fanfic, and only after...

*checks mission publication dates, does math*

Only after eight years in the PPC did I get up the nerve to write a proper mission set there, and it was a cowrite.

By contrast, I RPed a ton in Harry Potter and wrote fic based on the RPs. Phantom of the Opera, too.

My absolute favorite series, though? Judging by my level of engagement with fandom for it, that's Pern, hands down, no contest. Look, I didn't just RP, I ran an RP. Two, actually. I poured hours of research, writing, art, web design, and even attempts at networking into my Pern groups. I still know Pern better than anything.

I have the latest book, too! Haven't read it yet, but it's next on my list, right after I finish The Prydain Chronicles. (Which is super good, by the way. Totally deserves to be up there with the other "children's" fantasy classics. Maybe even at the top of the heap. There's a *heroine* who *does* stuff! Sad I missed it when I was a children, will remedy this for my young relatives.)

Don't ask me my favorite song, food, or movie. I have no idea. ^_^

~Neshomeh wants to write an "Everything I Need To Know I Learned From Farscape" list. 1. You can be more...