Subject: You're reading *Prydain*?
Posted on: 2020-02-29 17:59:35 UTC

I did grow up with that series (one of those ones that I found around age ten or twelve or so and have been rereading ever since), and while it's not a tiny fandom it's not one I run into a lot either, so that you're both reading it and thinking so highly of it that you want to recommend it to young relatives is fantastic.

Other oft-reread favorites (might as well just continue into a thread reply while I'm at it) have included Gerald Morris' The Squire's Tales (fantastically retold King Arthur, with lots of humor and vivid characters and emotional impact); Tamora Pierce's works (I'm especially fond of the Protector of the Small series and the Circle (of Magic/Opens/Reforged/etc) books); Diana Wynne Jones' Chrestomanci series (...actually, again, most of what she wrote); and, in general, a bunch more of Lloyd Alexander's books. And, of course, then we get into Harry Potter, Tolkien, and many different things.

Of course, before that (where 'that' is something like ages 10-12), I went through a classics phase: Little House, Anne of Green Gables, probably mostly excerpted versions of Dickens, Three Musketeers, older style King Arthur (oh, that reminds me--the Rowan Hood series by...Nancy Springer, I think. Excellent books; probably actually one of the best examples of a sort of published fanfiction done right. Essentially, five short novels about Robin Hood's daughter and the friends she gathers around her. Robin and the Merry Men have plenty of appearances too. Would absolutely recommend for children, and also for interested adults--I've reread them in the past five years, and still thought they were pretty great).

But if I go even further back...

...yeah, my first set of favorite books would be Winnie the Pooh. I was really into them as a kid. Really, really into them. Before I could even read. My first fanfic experience was Tamora Pierce, my first fandom experience was probably Harry Potter, but my first favorite book series was Winnie the Pooh.

And now I'm probably engaging most (outside PPC writing) with Torchwood (which, funnily enough, falls into that 'haven't re(read/watched/etc) in ages' category), and...weirdly enough, I think I might be most into watching Legends of Tomorrow right now. Huh. Would not have predicted that to be my favorite, but it's just so fun. They know it's silly, and they just go with it. (Also, time travel. You can't expect me not to get into a show about time travel shenanigans. I've loved time travel shenanigans for years, and I have many unposted HP fanfics to prove it. Also, my very first fanfic, the premise of which was literally 'canon character's ~ten-year-old-or-so granddaughter travels back in time to when her grandmother was her age and there is confusion and presumably shenanigans were going to occur but who knows by now.')

(Warriors--the cats one--was also a major fandom for a while, around preteen/early teen years. I got very into that one, and wrote a giant crossover fanfic heavily involving it. Another fandom in there was Gregor and the Underlanders by Suzanne Collins; excellent series as well, do recommend for kids and potentially young adults. Which reminds me somehow that I was also very into Artemis Fowl, and just--

Look, I'm going to stop before I wind up with an even longer post, okay?)


PS: When bringing up the PPC to people, I mostly just describe it as an online writers' group. Details mostly happen for people in fandom, if they ask; apart from that, I might go into 'there's a sort of shared world that we write stories set in for each other; it's fun!' Mostly people don't really ask too much, though, which is perfectly fine. I think I've been asked more frequently about what types of stories I write and what I'm currently working on than the details of that online writers' group I might have had reason to mention I'm active in.

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