Subject: Thanksgiving Write-Off Collection!
Posted on: 2020-11-26 00:46:57 UTC

For the people who weren't around on Discord when this happened. Tomash was the host this time, but he asked me to do the compilation post this time around. The prompt was "feasting" (appropriate since it's almost Thanksgiving), or "All right, everyone, dig in!" for those of us whose plotbunnies respond better to sentence prompts

this untitled piece by Somariel. Set in Netflix She-Ra canon

A Feast Gone Awry by The Foolish Maker of Worlds

Celebrations, of a sort by Tomash. Set in the near-ish future on a Mars base

My contribution, which also doesn't have a title. I'm pretty proud of the world I managed to set up in thirty minutes

Seems like the other overall theme was "short but there's some great potential plot stuff in here" tbh :P

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