Subject: If you check the Constitution...
Posted on: 2021-02-27 16:14:55 UTC

You'll find the rule is this:

16. The PPC community is kid-, family- and work-friendly — make sure it stays that way. That means no cursing, no graphic violence, sex or whatever. If you feel you have to break this rule, please give a specific warning (and remember, just because you don’t have a problem with something, doesn’t mean others won’t). The PPC shared universe is also kid-, family- and work-friendly, but in this case the rule is to warn for anything that raises your rating, rather than necessarily cutting it out.

TL;DR: Please keep your general conversation PG-13. Thank you.

~Neshomeh, the fourth poster in this thread, should not have been the first person to actually refer to the Constitution to answer a question about the rules.

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