Subject: Plug: The Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers
Posted on: 2021-09-04 20:17:04 UTC

Do you want to read about interesting aliens in a generally positive setting with nice worldbuilding (that goes easy on the exposition dumps)? Are you interested in explorations of the many different ways things like “family” and “a relationship” can be a thing? Do you like fluff that occasionally punches you in the feels because you’ve gotten really attached to these characters?

If any of that sounds remotely appealing, you may want to give the Wayfarers series (in order: The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet; A Closed and Common Orbit; Record of a Spaceborn Few; The Galaxy, and the Ground Within) a shot. Also I want more people to scream about it with.

Also, the series as a whole won a Hugo, which I believe is deserved … and it’s completed, so you won’t be left hanging for future installments.

  • Tomash

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