Subject: Hello.
Posted on: 2022-02-01 00:02:07 UTC

For a while now, I have been running out of canon content to enjoy and so I have been turning to fanfiction. I was googling the meanings of various terms and phrases that I came across when I found a link to the PPC wiki. After reading more on the wiki, I was really intrigued both with the concept of a "shared universe" and the idea behind the PPC, and so, I decided to join. In my free time, I tend to play video games and read random things on the internet. The subject of these things can range drastically, but generally, it's whatever I'm interested at the moment. Some of my favorite fandoms include Doctor Who (I own all of the DVD sets), The Zero Escape series (I have only played the first game, which, by the way, I highly recommend checking out), and Kingdom Hearts (I'm still confused on the storyline at this point, but aren't we all?). I haven't read the original series with Acacia and Jay completely yet, but that is probably due to me never having read any Lord of The Rings books. (I'll get around to it one day...) So yeah, that's about it. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I really appreciate it,


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