Subject: I thought you all were dead!
Posted on: 2022-02-17 01:21:16 UTC

Hello, I'm Sierpinski. I followed the PPC but never posted anything way back sometime around 2017, 2016 or so. I'm something of an amateur writer and supreme amateur author who might get back into mockeries to blow off stress. I genuinely thought that these boards went defunct like Project AFTER did some time around 2019 or so. Turns out I hadn't investigated closely enough.

I've read the Original Series and Constitution, and used to follow things a few years back. My memory is pretty hazy of these things though, I might need to re-read to get a refresher course. I don't quite remember how I found the PPC the first time, I think it was looking for bad fanfiction.

I have some old notes for badfic to work with, so I might show up with some agents soon. We'll see.

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