Subject: A Recomendation to Add a Fic to the Bleepfic List
Posted on: 2022-02-20 17:22:38 UTC

So, as many people who have been around since I began being in the PPC spaces should know what I'm talking about: TW: borderline NSFW title. Yes, that is the actual title, and it pretty much describes what the fic is about. It's located at Warning! NSFB, NSFW, and probably hits bl11 on the Discord Blacklist..

It's pretty bad.

I figured I would petition the Board for this since that's the way one does it with Legendaries.

It will turn 4 this July (I believe). It's in the Rescue Bots canon. Every chapter is a wall of text (little to no paragraph breaks), the grammar is horrible, and a fair amount of the characters are OOC/posessed.

So, I ask if I can add it to the list of Bleepfics for these reasons.

(Apologies if I left anything out or did something wrong. I'm a bit new to posting badfic reports.)


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