Subject: Cheers. {= ) On good cop/bad cop...
Posted on: 2022-02-21 14:24:24 UTC

There's definitely nothing wrong with going for that dynamic. I'd just point out that, when it comes to "being murder-happy," it's one thing when it's two basically normal twenty-somethings who know what they're doing is a) absurd and b) fictional—that is, they fully acknowledge that the canon characters and the OCs are fictional characters. It's another thing when the premise of the PPC is played more straight, as though all the characters involved are real, which is what we tend to do these days. I don't think that's a bad thing at all! It's much easier to make the case that writing well matters when the in-universe stakes are higher. With that in mind, though, it's much harder to play off an agent literally designed to be an "aggressive, malevolent" killer with no morals as funny. He's got to have some redeeming qualities, or the setting has to be treated lightly enough to get away with cartoon violence, or both.

How his foil is written to balance him is important, too, of course; I'm focusing less on Winfrey because I didn't see anything that worried me there. {= )

There were some things in the writing samples I liked, too, and I regret not taking the time to make note of them. Sorry about that. The writing itself seemed good.


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