Subject: Lux and Sean: OG Chaotic Dumbasses. {= )
Posted on: 2022-03-22 15:06:06 UTC

I think Sean referring to Jay and Acacia as "the two who live together" is a callback to his and Lux's first appearance? *checks* ... Yeah, it is. Jay makes a reference to the wall of her and Acacia's response center, and Lux makes a whole big deal about how it's THEIR wall, in the plural. But then there's Acacia's line:

> "We're partners," Acacia said, wide-eyed. "We share a response center! Mind out of the gutter!"

So I think Lux is just being ridiculous there, and Sean is just being ridiculous here.

I'm pretty sure Lux does read Acacia's thoughts, not something from the badfic. And then Acacia tells her it's rude to read minds. So, I think it's fair to think that she can see the Words of the mission itself, and "subtitles" is her descriptive term for it. Why or how she can do this, I don't know (I don't personally subscribe to the Shipverse origin theory). She's just Lux!


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