Subject: Whee!
Posted on: 2022-03-24 15:34:53 UTC

Good thing I just came up with a name for the DIC agent who was in RC 999 before Nume! Catherine "Kit" Steever is a former redshirt from TOS. Notably, she's an engineering redshirt rather than a security one. Specifically an electrical engineer. She's the one who set up the Trekverse doors and replicator in RC 999.

The backstory Lily and I have hashed out is that she more or less caused a plothole just by existing, since for all the progress TOS made, women in STEM didn't have much of a showing. She chose Action rather than DoSAT because she actually wanted to live a more adventurous life than a job installing and maintaining control panels allowed for. I quote, "You mean they let women go on away missions here? Sign me up!" (I checked: there's all of five confirmed female casualties in the show, only one of whom was a redshirt. Of the others, three were blueshirts and one was a goldshirt who was later brought back to life.)

I don't have a physical description in mind for her, but probably Caucasian. She gets assimilated and killed in the "Tangled Web" fiasco and I don't wanna commit a "bury your minorities." >.>

You can also use Bogglish and Pablum from (current) FicPsych. I have no idea when they joined, or if they started in FicPsych or just Psych, but in 1999 they'd be 26 and 34, respectively. Freedenberg was probably around? Suzine could potentially be somewhere between "new" and "head nurse" at the time (or just "newly head nurse")? There's possibly also Dr. Kinkade, from a mention in one of Oracle's stories in 2003.

I'd consult Architeuthis for a list of agents who were around as of at least the early aughts and possibly earlier. I think Despatch refers to some older agents, too?

If I think of anything else, I'll let you know!


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