Subject: Final remarks
Posted on: 2022-04-01 16:43:23 UTC

[Kkukttak walks into the interview room, with the hood on his traditional black cloak pulled down. He is smiling, but not widely enough to really show off his first set of pointy teeth.]

Kkukttak: I should've seen that coming, with all the poisons in the arena. Silly me, thinking my usual luck with the Cafeteria food would carry over.

Farah [who, having cleaned up, looks rather spiffy]: You sure that wasn't, like, karma?

Kkukttak: Probably not. If nothing else, the organizers were definitely out to get everyone, so good on them for succeeding.

Kkukttak [looking more directly at the camera]: I know I wasn't the most talkative tribute back there, but I was rather busy trying to not die. But, now that the Games are over, I have to say: that was fun! It's been a while since I've had a no-holds-barred scramble for survival, and even though they're stressful, I did miss them. I'd like to thank everyone for playing and I look forward to going again if our fine hosts will have me back ... even though I just put a massive target on myself by coming in third.

[Farah opens her mouth to ward off the IO, but then realizes it'd probably be happy throwing a boring mission or two just to see her partner complain.]

[Kkukttak waits a moment to see if Farah says anything, taking the moment to think of what he should say next. He remembers the talk he'd had with his therapist about complements recently.]

Kkukttak:: Oh, and, Matthew? That was an excellent recovery from getting your supplies ruined.


Taq::Aw, darn, I wanted a fight! Tha' was a borin' endin'.

Peregrin (his partner): Oh,the Hunger Games have started?

Taq: They're over, boss.

Peregrin: Did you win?

[Taq resists the urge to facepalm]


Aulhar is asleep. This is partly an effect of the Games, and partly just an effect of his feline-analogue heritage.

When he eventually wakes up, he'll encounter the reminder he left himself to work out where one could get good tea in the PPC. He hadn't talked to Farah much during the Games, which was a shame, so he wanted an opportunity to get to know her without a battle royale getting in the way.

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